Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025
The Place at Innsbrook
4036-C Cox Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060
Note - not every speaker used a presentation.
Cannabis & Marijuana in the Workplace and HR Policies (Thomas Bullock, Director of Training and Education - Virginia Risk Sharing Association)
Zoning and Land Use (Danielle Powell, Associate - Hefty, Wiley & Gore)
VML/VACO Finance Overview (Robert Lauterberg, Managing Director - VML/VACO Finance)
Clean Water Grant Opportunities (Rick Mittler, Local Government Projects Coordinator - Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay)
Budget Basics in VA Local Government (Keli Reekes, Town Manager - Town of South Hill; Andrea Light, Budget Director - Stafford County)
Council-Manager Relations (Charles Hartgrove, Managing Director - Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service)
Cybersecurity (John Harrison, Cybersecurity State Coordinator - CISA)
Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for Local Officials (Joe Underwood, Senior Attorney - Virginia FOIA Council)
Virginia Conflict of Interest Act (COIA) for Local Officials (Stewart Petoe, Executive Director - Virginia COIA Advisory Council)