Virginia Risk Sharing Association (VRSA)
The Virginia Risk Sharing Association (VRSA) is the first and most financially sound self-insurance pool in the Commonwealth of Virginia. For nearly 40 years VRSA has provided auto, property, liability, and workers’ compensation coverage to Virginia local political subdivisions. VRSA provides comprehensive risk management program support including law enforcement, human resources, local government, risk management and communications consulting.
VRSA’s staff includes safety professionals, two former police officers, one certified human resources professional, an accredited public relations specialist, a former town manager, and a team of seasoned claims representatives and underwriters. VRSA is governed by a Members’ Supervisory Board comprised of eight elected or chief appointed officials from member jurisdictions and the executive director of the Virginia Municipal League. The board meets four times each year to establish goals, set rates, adopt a budget and handle other pool business.
VRSA contracts with nationally recognized money managers, actuaries, financial and claims auditors to ensure that members’ insurance dollars are maximized and risks mitigated.
If you would like more information about the Virginia Risk Sharing Association, please contact member services at: (800) 963-6800 or visit
VML/VACo Finance
VML/VACo Finance is the financial services arm of the Virginia Municipal League (VML) and Virginia Association of Counties (VACo). We provide high quality financial services at low cost, a goal achieved through cost-sharing. We offer financial services in three areas: Financing, Investments, and Advisory. Financing: Since its founding, VML/VACo Finance has made over $950 million in loans to Virginia localities through its long-term, short-term, and interim financing programs. Investments: We have three investment programs with total assets of about $1.4 billion: the VACo/VML Pooled OPEB Trust, the VIP Stable NAV Liquidity Pool, and the VIP 1-3 Year High Quality Bond Fund. The VACo/VML Pooled OPEB Trust is the largest pooled OPEB trust in the nation – and we’re a leading provider of OPEB actuarial services as well. The Virginia Investment Pool (VIP) Stable NAV Liquidity Pool is rated AAAm by Standard & Poor’s (S&P) and offers a stable net asset value, daily liquidity and a competitive yield. The VIP 1-3 Year High Quality Bond Fund is rated AAf/S1 by S&P and is designed for funds that can be invested generally for one year or longer. Advisory: Advisory consists of Accounting Services and Municipal Advisory. The Accounting Services program provides interim accounting and finance professionals and services to local governments throughout the Commonwealth. VML/VACo Finance is an MSRB-registered municipal advisor that assists local governments in planning and structuring the financing of new money capital projects and in refinancing existing debt.
All of our programs are designed to benefit a wide range of localities, including cities and towns of all sizes and credit strengths. For more information, contact Steve Mulroy at 804.648.0635 or Visit our Web site at
NLC Service Line Warranty Program
“The National League of Cities (NLC) Service Line Warranty Program, offered by HomeServe, was conceived in partnership with the National League of Cities to educate property owners about their service line responsibilities and to help residents avoid the out-of-pocket expense for unanticipated and potentially costly service line repairs and replacements. Our program assists municipalities and residents by:
- Providing homeowners affordable protection against significant and unexpected costs to remedy leaking water lines
- Ensuring the delivery of timely, high-quality repair services in adherence to all applicable codes
- Providing exemplary service that reflects positively on the municipality
Additionally, the program generates an ongoing, sustainable source of revenue for partner municipalities and stimulates the local economy by using fully vetted local contractors to complete the repairs.
The NLC Service Line Warranty Program partners with more than 650 cities across North America. Over the past three years, HomeServe has performed over 1.3 million repairs, saving our customers over $454 million!
For more information, please visit Contact: Jim Golden 786-514-8014 or

GovDeals is your trusted partner in surplus! Through its thriving marketplace, GovDeals empowers sellers to manage their surplus, overstock, and outdated assets in a compliant and effective manner while also reducing waste and contributing to the circular economy. The Circular Economy model emphasizes reusing, recycling, and reselling existing materials and products as much as possible.
When your agency partners with GovDeals you will get access to a complete, sustainable, zero-waste solution to maximize the value of your surplus assets. By helping to extend the life of thousands of assets, GovDeals plays a pivotal role in transforming how organizations manage and dispose of surplus assets.
American Legal Publishing Corp.

The Virginia Basic Code, published by American Legal Publishing Corp. in cooperation with VML, is a complete model code of ordinances designed specifically for small cities and towns in Virginia. By utilizing the concept of shared cost to provide an economic alternative for codification, it allows Virginia towns to enjoy the benefits of codification without the substantial expense of a customized code.
Most sections are based directly on Virginia law or on model ordinances drafted by American Legal Publishing Corp. and reviewed by the Virginia Municipal League. In addition, the Virginia Basic Code is updated annually to keep your community current with changes in Virginia law.
For pricing and ordering information, please visit American Legal Publishing’s Web site or contact Richard Frommeyer at 1-800/445-5588 or
United States Senate Productivity and Quality Award for Virginia

The United States Senate Productivity and Quality Award program is designed to cultivate continuous performance improvement of organizations through a process of knowledge sharing, evaluation and recognition. A non-profit organization, SPQA in Virginia is administered by a board of directors with assistance from the Mason Enterprise Center at George Mason University. Organizations seeking the award submit a formal application that describes in detail how they perform against essentially the same criteria used to evaluate recipients of another notable program known as the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award, administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce.