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Publications Magazine

Virginia Town & City is the official magazine of the Virginia Municipal League.
Published 9 times a year at 13 E. Franklin St. Richmond, VA 23219.

Editor / Advertising Manager: Rob Bullington

Contributing Editor & Graphic Design: Manuel Timbreza

Circulation Manager: Rob Bullington

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Vol. 49 No. 1 – Jan/Feb 2014

Vol. 49 No. 1 – Jan/Feb 2014

VML President David Helms, Mayor, Town of Marion

Friday, January 10, 2014/Categories: Magazine

Also inside: Southwest Virginia tourism partnership

About the cover: Marion Mayor David Helms, pictured here in front of the Marion Volunteer Fire Department, was elected the 95th president of the Virginia Municipal League at the VML Annual Conference held in Arlington in October. Photograph by David Parsons.

Download VTC Jan/Feb 2014