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Publications Magazine

Virginia Town & City is the official magazine of the Virginia Municipal League.
Published 9 times a year at 13 E. Franklin St. Richmond, VA 23219.

Editor / Advertising Manager: Rob Bullington

Contributing Editor & Graphic Design: Manuel Timbreza

Circulation Manager: Rob Bullington

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Vol. 57 No. 5 – June 2022

Vol. 57 No. 5 – June 2022

New Frontiers in Affordable Housing

Wednesday, June 8, 2022/Categories: Magazine

 About the cover: Between 1908 and 1940, it was possible to purchase a home from the Sears catalog. To many at the time, this seemed both odd and innovative. But while the process may have been different, the affordable homes themselves proved to be familiar and long lasting. In fact, many are still standing and happily occupied. Catalog homes (not to mention catalogs themselves) may be a thing of the past, but a new frontier in affordable housing beckons. In this issue of VTC you’ll learn more about how the affordable homes of the future will be put together employing new techniques such as CrossMod construction and 3D printing (like the home on the cover).


  • Financial Policy Intern Reports
  • Spotlight on Chilhowie

Download VTC June 2022