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PSAP Grant Program for Staffing Recognition application period runs until August 15

Tuesday, July 18, 2023/Categories: News Board

The FY24 PSAP Grant Program for Staffing Recognition application period is open from July 1 to August 15, 2023. This new program was created to help address the staffing crisis experienced by Virginia PSAPs, by providing funding to enable PSAPs to recognize and retain their telecommunicators.

Any Virginia primary PSAP is eligible to apply for and receive funding for FY24. Virginia State Police (VSP) dispatch positions and local law enforcement dispatch positions that receive Wireless E-911 funding are also eligible.

PSAPs may request $2,500 for each full-time grant eligible position and $1,250 for each part-time grant eligible position. These grant eligible positions are defined in the FY24 PSAP Grant Program for Staffing Recognition guidelines can be located on our website under the NG9-1-1 Funding and PSAP Grant Guidelines and Applications section.

The application is required to include a staffing recognition project plan that lists number of agency authorized employees for each category, funding amount requested for each category, total funding amount requested, and anticipated timeline for recognition project. The award period for this grant is September 14 to June 30, 2024. When requesting reimbursement, an invoice will be required itemizing total payment amounts and number of employees for each category that received staffing recognition payments. Additional details on this opportunity can be found in the FY24 PSAP Grant Program for Staffing Recognition guidelines.

Informational webinar July 20

There will be an informational webinar on these funding and grant programs on Thursday, July 20from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm.

Link to Webex meeting: 

Join by phone: 

  • +1-517-466-2023 US Toll or, +1-866-692-4530 US Toll Free
  • Access code: 243 577 96013

VDEM Contact: Rich Troshak,