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Account Tutorials

How to Login or Create a VML Account – Video | PDF

This short tutorial goes through the process of logging in to a VML account including how to determine if you already have an account, how to reset your password, and how create a new account to be associated with an existing or new organization.

How to Register for an Event – Video

This tutorial covers how to register yourself or others from your organization to events posted to the VML website. It can be used to register for VML events or those of our affilaite groups (VBCOA, MEPAV, VEPGA, and VLGMA).

How to Join or Renew VLGMA MembershipVideo

This tutorial covers how to join or renew membership in the Virginia Local Government Management Association (VLGMA) using your VML account.

How to Join or Renew VBCOA MembershipVideo | PDF

This tutorial covers how to join or renew membership in the Virginia Building & Code Officials Association (VBCOA) using your VML account.

How to Join or Renew MEPAV Associate Membership - Video

This tutorial covers how to join or renew membership in the Municipal Electrical Power Association of Virginia (MEPAV) using your VML account.